about me
I'm Christopher. I love code, music, coffee, and rhythm games. Hire me?
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recent posts
2020-11-16: Rebasing is in vogue. But if we don't stop to think before rewriting our history, it will just end up causing us pain in the future.
Kubernetes and open contribution at OCF
2020-03-07: Talk: How we use Kubernetes at OCF to encourage contribution, presented at the UC Berkeley Cloud Meetup.
For more frequent, shorter posts, see my notes.
I'm currently on the core team for SkyPilot.
Databricks: software engineering (2021 - 2023)
Kelda: software engineering (2020)
Open Computing Facility at UC Berkeley: top leadership role and top technical role (2018 - 2020)
See my resume for more details.
give me job
I'm looking for software engineering roles at a mid-to-senior level. Bonus points if you are remote, working on interesting distributed systems, or run on a 4-day work week.
Shoot me an email at christopher@cg505.com.
contact me
email: christopher@cg505.com
Signal (preferred for DMs): cg5.05